Friday, April 23, 2010

Pura Besakih

Pura Besakih is a complex of temples located in Besakih Village, Rendang Karangasem district, Bali, Indonesia. The complex consists of 1 Pura Besakih Pura Centre (Upgrading Pura Agung Besakih) and 18 Pura Mate (1 Pura Pura Basukian and 17 Other). In the Pura Basukian, in areas where this is the first time received the revelation of God by Hyang Markendya Rsi, the forerunner to the Dharma Hinduism in Bali now, as its center. Pura Besakih is the center of activities for all existing temples in Bali. Among all pretend that included in the Besakih temple complex, Pura Agung Upgrading is a temple of the largest, most pelinggihnya buildings, most of upakaranya and is the center and all existing temples in the complex of Pura Besakih. Upgrading of the Great Temple there are 3 main temple statue or symbol of God's nature stana Tri Murti, namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the god who is the symbol of God the Creator, Preserver and Dewa Dewa smelters / Reincarnation.

  • Philosophy

Pura Besakih building physical existence, not merely a place bersemayamnya God, according to the Hindu Dharma, the largest on the island of Bali, but it has had relationship with the background of the meaning of Mount Agung. A highest mountain on the island of Bali which is believed to be the central Government of Nature Spirits, Nature of the Gods, which is the messenger of God to the island of Bali and surrounding areas. Therefore fitting that in the South West slopes of Mount Agung made the building to the sanctity of humanity, Pura Besakih meaningful philosophical.

Terkadung philosophical meaning in the Pura Besakih in its development contain elements of culture that includes:

1. Knowledge systems,
2. Live equipment and technology,
3. Social organization,
4. Livelihoods of life,
5. Language system,
6. Religion and ceremonies, and
7. Art.

The seven elements of culture is manifested in the form of cultural ideas, a form of cultural activity, and the form of material culture. This has already appeared both at the pre-Hindu or the Hindu who has been progressing through the mythic stage, stage and phase of the functional ontology.

  • The research object

Pura Besakih as the object of research related to social and cultural life of society who are in Karangasem Regency of Bali Province.

According to one study, Pura Besakih physical building has been progressing from pre-Hindu culture with evidence of relic menhirs, berundak punden the steps, statues, which developed into a building in the form of Meru, pelinggih, buildings, or padmasana as a result of the Hindu culture.

Background of the existence of a physical building Pura Besakih on the slopes of Mount Agung is a place of worship to worship the god of the mountain is conceived as the supreme god's palace.

At that stage of human functional Bali discover his true identity as a gay man has a religious and social nature of religious culture, that culture is always related to activities associated with the teachings of Hinduism.

In the Hindu culture of Bali, apparently meaning of Pura Besakih identified as part of the development of the social culture of the Balinese began pre-Hindu is heavily influenced by changes in the elements of a thriving culture, thus affecting cultural change in form of ideas, a form of cultural activity and cultural form material. The amendment relating to the teaching of concepts relating Tattwa divinity, Tata-moral teachings that govern how the Hindus in bertingka behavior, and teaching arrangements in Ceremony is a ritual activity from people offering to his Lord, so that the third course is an integrated part of teaching religion Hindu Dharma in Bali.

  • Overview of Hinduism Dharma
Religion is a doctrine of the Godhead. All religions are true. Let us as human beings, protecting the existing religions, all over the world. Hinduism was born of civilizations around the river Shindu, originated from India, circa 5500 BC.

Hinduism in Bali have a place in the hearts of the people, because it is considered ssuai with developing culture at that time.


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