Friday, April 23, 2010

Sarangan lake

Sarangan lake which is also known as lake sand is a natural lake situated at the foot of Mount Lawu, in District Plaosan, ofMagetan, East Java. Located approximately 16 kilometers west of the city Magetan. This vast lake of about 30 hectares and 28 meters berkedalaman. With temperatures between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius, Telaga Sarangan able to attract hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.

Telaga Sarangan a mainstay attractions Magetan. Around the lake there are two hotels, 43 first class hotels jasmine, and 18 cottage beside the tens wisata.Di souvenir kiosk, visitors can also enjoy the beautiful ride around the lake Sarangan with, or cann cepat.Fasilitas other attractions is also available, such as home eat, play area, tourist market, parking, public telephone facilities, places of worship, and parks.

The presence of 19 restaurants around the lake makes the visitors have many alternative options menu. Similarly, the presence of street vendors who offer a variety of souvenirs has made it easier for visitors to buy souvenirs. The specialty is peddled around the lake is a rabbit satay.

Magetan also helped with the potential for local small industries which are able to produce handicrafts for souvenirs, such as woven bamboo, leather crafts, and special food products such as chips melinjo and plate (from rice crackers).

Sarangan lake also has a boat rental service and rickshaws water. There were 51 boats and 13 motor rickshaw water that can be used to explore the lake.
Sarangan lake has several important annual event calendar, which is moored on Friday offerings Ruwah Pon months, school holidays in mid-year, Ledug Sura 1 Muharram, and the fireworks on New Year's Eve.

Local district government was making the pass that connects the project Telaga Sarangan with sights Tawangmangu in Karanganyar District. Widening project and stagnant steep road that connects the two regions are expected to be completed in 2007.

This tourist attraction can be reached from the City Magetan; and its location just off the Waterfall Grojogan Sewu, Tawangmangu (Karanganyar district, Central Java).

Pemkab Magetan also want to develop Poncol Reservoir (about 10 miles south of Lake Sarangan) as an alternative tourism.


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