Thursday, June 24, 2010

ciplukan properties

Ciplukan not the name of the person. This is a kind of medicinal nutritious crops. Besides leaves, fruits, stems and roots also have healing power.
Ciplukan or physallis peruviana.L did not have names in the Indonesian language. In fact in many regional languages the term. Starting from ceplokan, keceplokan, ciciplukan, kopok-kopokan (Bali), cecendet, cecenet (Sunda), nyornyoran (Madura), Leletokan (Minahasa), Kenampok (Sasak), and lapunonat (Tanimbar, Seram).
This plant is an annual shrub vegetation, which is classified as weeds. Ciplukan may be found in empty lands that are not too muddy. Like the edge of the gutter, the edge of the train rails, garden edges, and river bank slopes. Could grow at an altitude of 0-1800 feet above sea level.
These plants stand upright with a height between 30 cm to 50 cm and trunked green square, branched, and short hair. Leaves alternate and notched, stemmed 7-25 mm, with a round shape and the tip of a pointed elongated egg. Size 3.5 to 10 cm long and 2.5 cm wide.  


The upper surface of leaves beneath the surface of the green and light green and smooth haired. Flowers fruit out of the armpit leaves yellowish. Lantern-shaped fruit, yellow when ripe, slightly sweet-asaman keasam.
From America Ciplukan, according to a similar-shaped fruit similar to fresh vegetables such as chayote, and eggplant, are included in the plant family Solanaceae (eggplant-terungan). But although the name of this plant smells Nusantara languages, may believe it or not, it comes from the Latin American tropics.
However, although classified as an eggplant-terungan, he has chemical contents such as chlorogenik acid, citric acid and fisalin. In addition, the fruit also contains malic acid, alkaloids, tannins, kriptoxantin, vitamin C and sugar, as well as elaidic acid.

The chemical content, such as modern medicine, has been tested by a laboratory process and is believed to cure various diseases. In accordance with its nature: analgetic, peluruh urine, neutralizing the toxins (detox), and also suppress the cough. In Chinese pharmacology, the plant is believed to have a bitter flavor and soothing properties.
It's just unfortunate, either because there are still people who have not understood the efficacy of medicinal plants, or simply not interested at all to develop a culture of traditional ingredients, often, the plant was cleared away along with the cleaning of weeds and other wild plants.
Conversely, for you who are interested to cultivate these plants, can by using the seeds. Sowing seeds and young plants were moved to planting. Plant maintenance is easy, like other plants need adequate water with a sprinkler or by maintaining soil moisture. In addition, fertilization is needed, especially the basal fertilizer.
Dermatitis Although all parts of Ciplukan ranging from roots, leaves and fruit, can be used, which is encouraging, Ciplukan have no harmful effects, including toxic though.
"It's just that it was because Ciplukan bitter taste, consider the doses used. In order not to hold bitterness," explained dr.Setiawan Dalimartha, an expert on medicinal plants which is also the practice of serving patients with herbal methods.

According to Setiawan, as foreign drugs, Ciplukan can also be used to cure boils, ulcers, and skin inflammation. "No need to be dried. Could from after experiencing the process of boiled, cooled and used as boreh directly to the section that requires," continued Setiawan again.
Similar is also expressed by Ir. WPWinarto, owner of the Garden of Medicinal Plants in the region of Work Sari Pondok Cabe, Tangerang. According to him, Ciplukan not toxic. Only the bitter taste was because, on average those who drank the same with drinking considered modern medicine, which are generally bitter.
"Indeed, it is fair. His name is certainly a bitter medicine. However, the principle effect of the bitter taste that will not interfere with the work function of our body organs. For example, the kidneys," explained Winarto vividly.

Use 1. Influenza and Influenza Throat Hospital. Ciplukan Plant (all parts) that have been cut into pieces about the size of 3-4 cm, dried, then wrapped to keep moist longer. Then take approximately 9-15 grams of boiling water, the water was drunk. Do as much as three times daily, or as needed and / or recipe directions.
Recipe number one could also apply to some diseases, such as whooping cough (pertussis), bronchitis (inflammation of the airways), mumps (paroritis), swelling of the testicles (orchitis).
2. Diabetes mellitus (diabetes). Same as number one. But at the boil, boil with 2 cups of water, until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks at once in the morning. The waste can be boiled once again, to be drunk in the afternoon.
3. Lung disease. Same as number one. When boiling, use 3-5 cups of water. After boiling, let cool and strain it, drink the water three times daily.
4. Ayan. Fruit Ciplukan 80-10 grains eaten every day.
In addition to internal medicine, Ciplukan can also be used as an external medicine. How to use:
1. Ulcers. Ciplukan leaves as many as half cell is washed and finely milled. Turapkan on the boil, then bandaged. Replaced two times a day
2.Borok. Ciplukan leaves as many as half cell and then be washed finely milled. Add just enough water whiting, then diturapkan to ulcers. Replace two meals a day.


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