Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Musi River

Musi River is a river located in South Sumatra province, Indonesia. With a length of 750 km, this river is the longest on the island of Sumatra and Palembang split into two parts. The bridge shall become the icon of Palembang was passed over this river. Since the era of Sriwijaya until now, the river is famous as the main transportation means for the community.

On the banks of the Musi River and there Seaport Museum of New Boom airfare II.

  • Geography
Musi River, Palembang split into two areas: in northern Seberang Ilir and Seberang Ulu in the south. Musi River, along with other rivers, forming a delta near the town of Breech.
Musi River Bridge as a backdrop Ampera

Water rises in the eye area Kepahiang, Bengkulu. Musi River is also called the Nine Batanghari which means nine major rivers, the definition of nine major rivers are the Musi River, with eight large river which empties into the river Musi. As for the eight rivers are:

1. Komering River
2. Rawas River
3. Leko River
4. Lakitan River
5. Kelingi River
6. Lematang River
7. Semangus River
8. Ogan River

Covering 3 million ha of land in watersheds (DAS) Musi considered critical due to rampant illegal logging. These conditions may trigger flash floods and landslides.


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