Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ranau Lake

Ranau Lake is the second largest lake in Sumatra. This lake is located in the border district of West Lampung province of Lampung and South Ulu Komering Ogan of South Sumatra Province. The lake was created by large earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from the volcano that makes a big basin. Located on the position coordinates 4 ° 51'45 "latitude, 103 ° 55'50" E

Geographically it is hilly topography Ranau lake which practically makes this berlembah Ranau lake has the cool weather.

  • Attraction

The lake was famous for its fishermen to catch fish such as tilapia, kepor, kepiat, and harongan.

As well as an amazing tourist city, there are lots of beautiful scenery. Right in the middle there is an island called Pulau Marisa. There are hot springs that are often used by locals or the tourists who come to the island, there are waterfalls, and lodging.

The lake has also become a tourist attraction Ogan Komering mainstay of South Ulu, especially in the holiday season arrives and the Idul Fitri holidays.

And in the year 2007 this lake was inaugurated yesterday by the Regent of West Lampung, as a new tourist center in the area of Lombok district of West Lampung District Sukau. Lake Ranau has ecotourism attraction to promote Indonesian tourism industry, the concept of ecological, economic, social and cultural rights.


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