Monday, May 24, 2010

Sumatera Island

Sumatra (also spelled Sumatera) is located in Indonesia, is the sixth largest island in the world, with an area of 443,065.8 km2. Residents of this island of about 42.40951 million inhabitants (2000). The island is also known by another name ie percha Island, Newcastle, or Suwarnadwipa (Sanskrit, meaning "island of gold"). Later in the year 1286 inscription carved Padang Roco swarnnabhūmi and Bhumi Malay to refer to this island. Furthermore, in the land of the manuscript from the 14th century was also re-called "Earth Malay" (Melayu) to the island.

Origin of name originated from the existence of the Kingdom of Sumatra Ocean (located on the east coast of Aceh). Beginning with the visit of Ibn Batuta, adventurers into the country of origin Morocco in 1345, he pronounced the word became Samatrah Ocean, and later became Sumatra or Sumatra, the next name listed in the maps made by 16th-century Portuguese, to be referred on this island , so that later became known widely until now

Tourism on the island of Sumatera


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