Tuesday, June 22, 2010

benefits of god leaves

Latin Name: Gynura segetum (Lour.) Merr.
Area Name: Beluntas China, leaves the god (Sumatra), Samsit; San qi CAO (China).
Habitat: Generally planted dipekarangan as planting drugs.
Description: Annual herb, erect, ± 50 cm tall, generally planted dipekarangan as planting drugs. Young stems green with longitudinal grooves tengguli colors, if somewhat older branches a lot. Single leaf, having stalks, ovate to rounded shape lengthwise. Melancip tip. Old leaves very deep divide. Leaves many gathered at the bottom, rather rare on the tip of the stem, alternate location. Both surfaces of leaves hair soft, white color. Color dark green leaf surface, the bottom light green. Leaves 80-20 cm long. width of 50-10 cm. Flowers is located at the tip of the stem, yellow tubercular (flower heads). Have a colored bulb to ash-gray, 3-6 cm long., With a ± 3 cm in cross section.

Leaf content of Deity: Saponins, essential oils, flavonoids.
Daun Dewa Usefulness: This plant is anti coagulant (dilute blood clot), stimulate circulation, stop bleeding, remove heat, clean toxin. In Chinese pharmacology mentioned this plant has a distinctive flavor and properties of neutral.
Daun Dewa Traditional Recipes: Cancer: 4 g of fresh leaves of the gods; Roots daruju 7 g; Herba parasite 3 g, 120 ml water, Ground; added boiling water, filtered, Taken once a day 100 ml, during 30 days.
High blood pressure: 3-7 pieces of fresh leaves of the gods; a young noni fruit; 110 ml of water, pour boiling, Drinked 1-2 times a day 100 ml, during the first month.
Diabetes: God leaves five strands; water 110 ml, pour boiling, Drinked 1 times a day 100 ml.
Cleaning the wound: God leaves to taste; Water in moderation, then finely ground leaf god put into water, dirty wounds are incorporated into a mixed leaf water gods.


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